
Holiday Inn St Marys offers exceptional accommodation and room service. Book in one of our modern rooms with the latest technology.
Overlooking a spectacular view facing the greenery bushland.

COVID-19 Policy For Guests From 15 December 2021

Holiday Inn Sydney St Marys is a COVIDSafe venue, and the health, safety, and wellbeing of staff, guests, and the community
remains at the forefront of our decisions.

With the current uncertainty regarding Covid-19 and the Omicron variant, the Hotel has resolved to extend the
mandatory vaccination policy.

As such, all persons aged 18 years and over will be required to provide acceptable evidence of their vaccination against Covid-19 or medical
exemption prior to entering the Hotel’s premises.

The Hotel has made this decision for the following reasons:

• The Hotel has a duty to ensure the health and safety of staff and customers under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW), and under general law.

• The Doherty Modelling Report prepared for the National Cabinet states that people who are not fully vaccinated have a higher risk of transmitting
COVID-19 to workers and patrons. Given the overwhelming research supporting this finding, precluding patrons who are not fully vaccinated will
reduce the likelihood that fully vaccinated staff and patrons will be exposed to the coronavirus, or contract COVID-19.

• While the Hotel is implementing other controls to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 transmission, as outlined in our COVID-19 safety plan,
the level of mitigation from excluding those who are not fully vaccinated cannot be achieved through other available controls.

The COVID-19 Policy for Guests will be reviewed monthly.

We thank you for your understanding and support in keeping our Hotel safe.